Perfecting the prosthetic leg.
This document, is a medical advert published by Eucomed organisation, in 2012. It deals with the notion of progress, in this case, especially with the medical advancement in prosthetic leg.
The designer, who was probably a researcher on the medical world, wanted to show, how much medical technology has progressed since 1800 to nowadays. It shows us, seven different prosthetic legs, and the transformation in this area. All things considered the medical and technological progress, since the last 200 years.
This progression it shows by the timeline on the bottom of the document, which they are three different dates. ( 1800 - 1920 - today)
I choose to present this document because, it's remind me the fact of how important is, to integrate disabled people in the society. so, this document, shows us a positive side of technological progress.
In this advertisement what catches the eye are the seven prosthetic legs in line, which really show us the message. On the top right-hand corner, we have the logo of Eucomed, and at the left we have some tittle " Perfecting the prosthetic leg." and a sub-tittle "How incremental innovation works for patients". Which is in fact like a caption, explaining the idea of the project.
I think that it's an interesting document because, it is about a topic, which affect part of the society, but it still a theme that people are not really interested in.
This document is an advert so it is directed particularly to some people. In this case it is much directed to disabled people, their surroundings, and persons who woks in the medicine world. Anyway it's interesting for those people who have an external point of view of the medical environment; for example to awareness the person about such health problems, and physicals health problems.
In my opinion this document was pretty well designed because, it catch the eye. It's a nice document, to sensitize people, and to make us understand, why medical progress are so important in our lives. Anyway if we are not faced with this type of problem, all the day; others persons can be. It make this theme more common for people. It's interesting to say that, the drawing reminds the representation of Darwin's theory of evolution's .
Perfecting the prosthetic leg.
This document, is a medical advert published by Eucomed organisation, in 2012. It deals with the notion of progress, in this case, especially with the medical advancement in prosthetic leg.
The designer, who was probably a researcher on the medical world, wanted to show, how much medical technology has progressed since 1800 to nowadays. It shows us, seven different prosthetic legs, and the transformation in this area. All things considered the medical and technological progress, since the last 200 years.
This progression it shows by the timeline on the bottom of the document, which they are three different dates. ( 1800 - 1920 - today)
I choose to present this document because, it's remind me the fact of how important is, to integrate disabled people in the society. so, this document, shows us a positive side of technological progress.
In this advertisement what catches the eye are the seven prosthetic legs in line, which really show us the message. On the top right-hand corner, we have the logo of Eucomed, and at the left we have some tittle " Perfecting the prosthetic leg." and a sub-tittle "How incremental innovation works for patients". Which is in fact like a caption, explaining the idea of the project.
I think that it's an interesting document because, it is about a topic, which affect part of the society, but it still a theme that people are not really interested in.
This document is an advert so it is directed particularly to some people. In this case it is much directed to disabled people, their surroundings, and persons who woks in the medicine world. Anyway it's interesting for those people who have an external point of view of the medical environment; for example to awareness the person about such health problems, and physicals health problems.
In my opinion this document was pretty well designed because, it catch the eye. It's a nice document, to sensitize people, and to make us understand, why medical progress are so important in our lives. Anyway if we are not faced with this type of problem, all the day; others persons can be. It make this theme more common for people. It's interesting to say that, the drawing reminds the representation of Darwin's theory of evolution's .